Introduction State of Sales 8 Sales Teams Shift to Match the Connected Customer Mindset High-performing sales teams in this Sales Innovation Goes Hand-in-Hand with Revenue Growth report are those that cite a significant increase in YoY revenue growth. These Top teams are able to significantly grow their revenue because their entire company is aligned on top teams lead the pack by aggressively how to empower sales teams to meet customer demands. Eighty-seven percent of high-performing innovating and pivoting toward the sales teams say their company is aligned on how to empower sales to exceed goals. customer. High-performing sales Percentage of Sales Professionals Who Say Their High Performers vs. teams are 2.8x more likely than Company Completely or Mostly Aligned on the Following Underperformers underpeformers to say their sales organizations have become much 87% 2.4x more focused on personalizing How to empower 55% more likely to customer interactions over the past sales to exceed goals be completely 35% or mostly aligned 12—18 months and 2.9x more likely than underperformers to say the same about providing customers with a 85% 2.1x consistent experience. Changing customer 60% more likely to expectations be completely 41% or mostly aligned These teams thrive in companies that understand the importance of arming reps with advanced and intelligent 2.4x technologies. This approach empowers 84% Resources needed 59% more likely to top teams to collect and understand to engage customers be completely customer data across departments, cut 35% or mostly aligned down on process time, deliver instant and proactive experiences, and create personalized interactions — ultimately Importance of 83% 2.1x resulting in higher revenue growth. cross-team collaboration 58% more likely to (sales, marketing, service) be completely 40% or mostly aligned High performers Moderate performers Underperformers Salesforce Research

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