State of Sales Country Profile 32 Netherlands (325 Sales Professionals) Top of Mind for Sales Professionals Cross-Team Collaboration Top Types of KPIs Percentage Who Rate the Following as Absolutely Critical or Very Important to Their Sales Process 87% 79% 77% Customer experience/ Collaborating across departments Having a single customer view Collaborative selling 1Guided selling 2success 3Sales process across departments/roles (e.g., opportunity ranking by (e.g., Net Promoter Scores [NPS], (e.g., lead-to-cash time, Benefits of Intelligent Selling potential value, sales activity customer satisfaction, customer customer response time, effectiveness) loyalty, renewal rate/churn rate, customer interactions) sentiment analysis) Percentage Experiencing a Major Positive Impact on the Following 49% 47% 47% Top Sales Objectives Over Next 12—18 Months Customer/prospect nurturing Productivity of sales reps Forecast accuracy Increase customer Grow number of leads/ retention through Become a trusted Anticipated Growth in Intelligent Sales Tech Use 1new customers 2deeper relationships 3advisor to customers Growth in Use Expected Across the Following Technologies Over the Next Three Years Mobile’s Impact on the Sales Process 101% 83% 79% Artificial intelligence to Deep learning to classify, predict, Predictive intelligence of sales professionals say their company is using or automatically recommend and react to patterns within data (e.g., lead scoring, predictive products to customers based (i.e., more accurately recommend forecasting, etc.) 68%planning to use mobile apps in the next two years. on their preferences products to your customers) Top Mobile App Use Cases Predictive Selling Comes into Focus To get notifications/alerts on important customer/ To prioritize and To create and Percentage Who Have Become Much More or Somewhat More Focused on the Following Over the 1sales information 2manage emails 3assign tasks Past 12—18 Months 40% 38% 38% Top Mobile Selling Benefits 88% 87% Percentage Experiencing a Major Benefit Across the Following Anticipating Being customer needs proactive 68% 68% 55% Access data from anywhere Real-time communications with Selling from anywhere customers Salesforce Research

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