Appendix State of Sales 38 Sales Teams Shift to Match the New Customer Mindset Sales teams struggle to meet customer expectations due to customers’ needs becoming more sophisticated. Here we see the reasons why the top challenge sales teams face is trying to meet customer expectations. Ranked Reasons Why Meeting Customer Expectations Is a Top Challenge for Sales Teams* Customer needs have Customers expect sales to Customers are less loyal because grown more sophisticated be available 24/7 they’re wary of being locked into 1 5 9 a vendor Customers expect sales to Customer motivations have be a trusted advisor Customers expect interactions to 2shifted from price to value 6 (i.e., go beyond a sales rep role 10happen in real time to be consultative to customers) Customers have become more Customers want a more Customers expect to be able experienced with competitive, personalized experience to interact with us via their 3disciplined bidding 7 11mobile device Customers expect the same level Customers expect a consistent of service in every interaction experience (e.g., personalization, (e.g., speaking with sales or timely response) 4 8 across every customer service) channel (e.g., mobile, social) * Data reported is out of a base of respondents who selected “Meeting Customer Expectations” as the top overarching challenge in their sales process. Salesforce Research

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