Appendix State of Sales 55 Intelligent Sales Takes Off Sales teams are shifting their focus squarely on the customer. Here we see the percentage of sales professionals who, over the past 12—18 months, say they have been more focused on anticipating customer needs and being proactive. Percentage of Sales Teams Who Have Shifted Their Focus Over the Past 12—18 Months to High Performers vs. Be Much More or Somewhat More Focused on the Following by Performance Underperformers 91% 1.4x 76% more likely to be much Anticipating customer needs more or somewhat 64% more focused on 92% 1.5x 74% more likely to be much Being proactive more or somewhat 63% more focused on High performers Moderate performers Underperformers Percentage of Sales Teams Who Have Shifted Their Focus Over the Past 12—18 Months to Be Much More or Somewhat More Focused on the Following by Business Type 80% 80% Anticipating customer needs 70% 80% 78% Being proactive 69% B2B2C B2C B2B Salesforce Research

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