02A New Blueprint State of Sales 13 Sales Becomes More Connected and Proactive True collaborative selling is only possible High-Performing Sales Teams Master a Single View of the Customer with a single view of the customer across Top teams are 2.1x more likely than underperformers to be outstanding or very good at having a all organizations. Digital transformation single view of the customer. now allows established companies to connect their disparate systems of engagement, while successful startups are Percentage of Sales Teams Who Are Outstanding or Very Good at built from the ground up with the single Providing a Single View of the Customer view in mind. Sixty-eight percent of sales professionals say it is absolutely critical High performers or very important to have a single view of the customer across departments/ Moderate performers roles. Yet, only 17% of sales teams rate their single view of the customer capabilities as outstanding. Underperformers Top teams prioritize access to customer 79% data across the entire organization. High Performers vs. These companies are better equipped to Underperformers quickly understand, socialize, and act on customer data at any given touchpoint 2.1x — such as preferences determined by a more likely to be outstanding marketing nurture campaign, shopping or very good at providing behaviors gathered by an e-commerce a single view of the customer website, or future needs expressed on 37% a service call. 55% Salesforce Research

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